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Avoid Distractions When Playing Online PokerOnline poker offers Texas holdem poker players the convenience of playing poker from one’s own computer in one’s own home at any time, any day, from anywhere on the globe, which is one of its greatest selling strengths to poker players. With all of the conveniences that online poker offers poker players, along with inexpensive satellite tournaments to give Texas holdem poker players a shot at the World Poker Tour and or World Series of Poker also comes potential pitfalls that online poker players must take into account at the online poker table. One of the biggest mistakes that Texas holdem poker players make at the poker table when playing online poker is allowing too many needless distractions that take away from the concentration of the poker player, needlessly costing him poker hands and poker chips against his online poker opponents at the Texas holdem poker table. Texas holdem poker, no matter if it is online poker or at an in person casino poker table, is a game of tremendous skill and a poker player’s ability to think clearly is a paramount ingredient to his success factor at the poker table. When a poker player is distracted he automatically gives his Texas holdem poker opponents at the poker table an online poker advantage, which will prove costly in poker chips/money. A trap that many Texas holdem poker players set for themselves when playing online poker is that they will be playing several different poker tables at the same time. This is insanity. Even the most experienced online poker players who have a great deal of expertise in Texas holdem poker struggle when playing several poker games at one time. Playing multiple poker hands at several different online poker websites makes each poker table swing to the advantage of the other online poker players that are concentrating on just their own poker hands at that solitary table. Online poker players that are playing Texas holdem poker at multiple tables with multiple hands with the phone, television and or radio going at the same time may be getting an action rush but the cost in poker chips and losing poker hands isn’t worth it. U.S. Citizens. Use of this information in violation of any federal, state or local laws is prohibited. � 2014 - All Rights Reserved |